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 Please read this usage agreement (“Agreement”) carefully before using our website. This agreement covers your rights and responsibilities when using the website. By using the application, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions below.

1. License for use

We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-transferable license to use our application on your personal device only. You may not copy, modify, distribute or republish any part of the application without our written permission.

2. Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights to the application, including content and design, belong to us. You have no right to use, copy, or modify any part of the application unless we have written permission from us.

3. User responsibility

You are responsible for maintaining the security and protection of your login information. You agree not to use the application to perform any activity that violates the law or causes harm to others.

4. Information security

We are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. However, you should also be aware that data transmission over the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of personal information.

5. Limitation of liability

We are not responsible for any loss or damage arising from the use of our application. You use this application entirely at your own responsibility.

6. Changes and termination

We reserve the right to change or terminate this agreement without prior notice. Use of the application after any changes constitute your acceptance of those changes.

In the event of any dispute arising out of or related to this usage agreement, the parties undertake to negotiate and resolve the dispute peacefully and cooperatively.

By continuing to use the website, you agree to comply with all of the terms and conditions in this agreement.

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